RedShelf Connections

This unique program series aims to build connections and increase exposure to experts from inside and outside the industry—to help you move forward to your vision of the future of course materials on your campus. Attend a live event, and view and share the recordings with your colleagues.

Infosandwich - Business Planning for Digital-First
Thursday, March 4th, 12-1 PM CT
As the Auxiliary Services department at Joliet Junior College came under new leadership, Bookstore & Auxiliary Support Services Manager Helen Nakos sought to demonstrate the potential of a Digital-First model, and preserve the store's independence. In close collaboration with RedShelf, the team used data analysis and sales projections to present a business case that clinched commitment from key campus leaders. Join us to hear how they did it—and how you can, too.

Top 5 at 5 - Creating Accessible Course Packs: What, Why, How, and Who
Wednesday , October 28, 5-5:30pm CT
If your faculty are not creating course packs with accessibility in mind, your Disability Services Office (DSO) may be spending unnecessary time remediating or requesting accommodations for students with disabilities. Join RedShelf and Lia Dearborn, Publishing and Administrative Manager at Montezuma Publishing, as we discuss considerations that can help, including training faculty, exporting to PDF vs. EPUB, using automated testing tools, and more.

Infosandwich - Evaluating a Vendor's VPAT
Thursday, August 18, 12-12:30pm CT
Choosing a tech vendor should always involve evaluating its Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). An incomplete or outdated version could leave your institution open to complaints for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. Join Amy Salmon, Senior Accessibility Consultant at Level Access and RedShelf’s Erin Lucas to discuss what to look for in a vendor’s VPAT to reduce your legal exposure and ensure equal access to technology on campus.

Infosandwich - Reaching Faculty in the "New Normal"
Thursday, July 9, 12-12:30pm CT
The need for digital materials and Inclusive Access wasn’t created by COVID alone. Changing buyer preferences and technical aptitude are shifting demand, while some faculty and departments remain resistant. Join Keith Sims, System Director of Course Materials, and Curt Ward, Associate Director of Course Materials, as we discuss The University of Alabama’s strategic approach to countering persistent and new challenges from academic leadership and faculty.

Top 5 at 5 - Teams and Clubs: Untapped Opportunity for Digital Growth
Thursday, June 25, 5-5:30 CT
A student varsity club at Wichita State University recently transitioned its textbook scholarship program to 100% digital delivery and revealed key lessons to help identify other student organizations ready for similar change. Women’s Bowling Coach, Holly Harris, and Shocker Stores Director, Andi Stipp, will share top recommendations for schools looking to expand digital access by transitioning student organizations.

Thursday, June 11, 5-5:30pm CT
Top 5 at 5 - What to Expect When You're Expanding
Five years into its digital materials delivery journey, leaders at Meridian Community College sensed the potential benefits of evolving its approach to digital content delivery. Join Director of eLearning, Marie Roberts, Ed.D., and Gordon Elson of RedShelf as they explore five top recommendations Meridian has for any school assessing its current workflows, vendor partnerships, current and future challenges, and the cultural readiness for expansion.

Morning Focus - Heartfulness: Your Next Leadership Superpower
Thursday, May 28, 9-9:30am CT
Even the most difficult circumstances can be opportunities for productive transformation. Building awareness of your emotional state and taking small, intentional actions can generate heartfelt, positive energy flow and productivity for your staff, your business, and yourself. Join Certified HeartMath Trainer and Co-Founder of Mindful Communications, Jeff Armstrong, for an exercise in heartfulness to fuel health, happiness, and performance.

Wine & Shine - Virtual Bookstore Bingo with RedShelf!
Thursday, May 14, 5-5:45pm CT
Let's make some time for a little fun! Join hosts Gina Eckrich from the University of Oregon's Duck Store and RedShelf's Lee Nicholson for a few rounds of virtual bookstore-themed bingo, accompanied by the beverage of your choice!

Infosandwich - LMS as the Hub of Course Materials Delivery
Thursday, May 7, 12-12:30pm CT
The rapid shift to distance learning has caused operational upheaval in LMS administration of course materials at a time when resources needed to react are strained. Join Daniel Gonzalez, Jr. of Alvin Community College and RedShelf Product Director Jeff Collins in a discussion of actions taken and lessons learned when quickly moving a campus online.

Infosandwich - Improving Accessibility Today...and Tomorrow
Thursday, April 30, 12-12:30pm CT
The rapid shift to distance learning has revealed and/or exacerbated challenges to student course materials accessibility. Join Marci Wolinsky, Student Disability Services Manager at Northcentral University and Erin Lucas, Digital Accessibility Director at RedShelf, to explore things you can do to strengthen collaboration between your campus store and DSO to adapt now and in the future.

Morning Focus - Hack Your Brain to Happy
Thursday, April 23, 9-9:30am CT
Dr. Jennifer Thompson, Business Psychologist and Professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, offers guidance on leveraging neuroscience-related techniques to support emotional resilience and positive emotions for leaders and staff, even during challenging times.

Wine & Shine - Connecting Faculty and Students with COVID-19 Response Programs
Thursday, April 16, 6-6:30pm CT
Join your colleagues, Kenton Beal, Store Manager at Kilgore College, Rochelle McCoy, Course Materials Manager at California State University Long Beach, and Chad Schreier, CEO of Montana State University Bookstore, to discuss and celebrate the ways that they and you are helping faculty and students leverage COVID-19 response resources to support learning during uncertain times.

Tuesday, April 14, 9-9:30am CT
Megan Garbe, Vice President at Fahlgren Mortine, draws on her experience in consumer, retail, and nonprofit public relations to discuss the nuances of crisis communications planning, and what you can do now to prepare to keep administration, faculty, and students looking to you for guidance and peace of mind.

Morning Focus - Communicating During Crisis

Top 5 at 5 - Online Learning: Moving From Surviving to Thriving
Thursday, April 9, 5-5:30pm CT
Kurt Hayes, Chief Learning Experience Officer at Dignity Health Global Education, outlines the top actions campus store and course materials managers can take to help strengthen distance learning. Learn to leverage data points, digital resources, and industry best practices to help faculty thrive online and add value to your digital course materials program.

Infosandwich - Course Materials and the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund
Tuesday, April 7, 12-12:30pm CT
Tom Netting, Founder & CEO of TEN Government Strategies LLC will shed light on the portion of the CARES act that provides schools with funding for course materials—providing a breakdown of how these funds may be used, how much to expect, and how best to leverage them during and after this transition.