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Helping Instructors

Enhance Engagement& Equity 

Thousands of instructors nationwide choose RedShelf to help them deliver a more affordable, dynamic, equitable learning experience for their students. Our award-winning digital course materials enable educators like you to not only provide more interactive and engaging content, but to ensure that every student
has access to those critical learning resources, by the first day of class.

Equity & Access icon

Up to 80% less expensive than print; industry-leading accessibility for students with disabilities; offline as well as online access from any device; and the ability to automatically provide materials to every student.

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Engagement & Learning

Built-in tools to improve studying efficiency; usage analytics to monitor engagement; and the option to embed assignments and quizzes to assess comprehension and inform classroom instruction.

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A vast catalog of ~1 million digital titles (both eBooks and courseware) from more than 10,000 diverse publishers and content creators—and the ability to quickly source titles not currently in the catalog.

Academic Freedom

Equity & Access

The RedShelf eReader:

Bringing Books to Life

Adopt a digital version of your desired textbook and it will be delivered on the best-in-class RedShelf eReader--named 2022 Publishing Software of the Year. Accessible from anywhere on any device, our eReader is packed with efficient study tools as well as built-in accessibility features for students with disabilities.

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  • Enable students to read online or offline, from any device

  • Ensure accessibility for all, even for students who have not disclosed an existing disability

  • Support efficient studying with built-in study tools

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Study Guide Builder

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(Read Aloud)

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Note-Taking & Sharing

RedShelf Classroom:

Connecting Students & Instructors

Upgrade to RedShelf Classroom to further enhance your adopted eBook, enabling you to interact with students and monitor learning even outside the classroom.

  • Create and insert notes throughout the eBook content to guide students’ focus

  • Add multimedia assets to provide supplemental learning 

  • Embed quizzes and assignments to gauge comprehension of the material

  • Include automated feedback and explanations for incorrect quiz answers, to support understanding

  • Access analytics at the course, section, and student level, to monitor usage, identify at-risk students, and inform classroom instruction

  • View and manage all your Classroom-enabled courses and related materials from a single dashboard

  • Empower students with their own dashboard for tracking their assignments and performance 

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Ensure that every one of your students has the materials they need to learn, by the first day of class. Through RedShelf’s Inclusive Access (IA) and Equitable Access (EA) models, all of your students will automatically receive their required materials, in a digital format, right from within your Learning Management System (LMS). The deeply discounted cost will be billed directly to students’ accounts or incorporated into tuition, always with an option to opt-out should a student wish to do so.

Chart showing benefits of Inclusive Access



RedShelf Digital Via IA or EA

More Affordable Than Print

More Engaging Than Print

Instant Availability (no backorder risks)

Built-In Accessibility for Students With Disabilities

Maximum Affordability

(lowest possible price)

Maximum Convenience

(no shopping, automatic LMS access)

Maximum Equity

(guaranteed first-day access for all)

Inclusive Access:

Leaving No Student Behind

Want to

Learn More?

To learn more about the RedShelf eReader, RedShelf Classroom, or the Inclusive Access delivery model, click below to request a a free demo or consultation.

Get in Touch



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